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Liana Mattera

Is Education a Necessity for Success?

Everyone says education is important for your life and future. The real question is: why has education become so important in society?

The government in the United States considers education so important that they make it mandatory to all. This happened because education is merely a human right. Education is something that should be accessible to everyone no matter their background or nationality. Education is a powerful human right that many individuals take for granted, especially here in the US. It is just sad that we become so accustomed to the mere fact education is easily accessible, that we forget that not everyone has access to education.

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Once you let that sink in, you realize that maybe Nelson is right. Maybe education is a powerful weapon. When I think of the words powerful and weapon, I immediately think of something that’s not good, but you see that is where I am wrong. A powerful weapon does not mean something is bad. You can take education and use it as a powerful weapon to do good in your community and your life. Imagine the future of this world if every single person has access to as much education that they want. The world would be completely different and better for it.

Is education a necessity for success? This is the bottom line question because if it wasn’t necessary, then there would be no push for education. The first thing someone looks for on your resume is your educational background. They look to see if you’ve graduated high school or if you are currently attending a school. Education is used as a basis to form an opinion on someone. So the bottom line is yes, education is important. Not only to improve yourself, but to also to provide for yourself in the future. Push yourself to focus on bettering yourself and improving your education. I understand education isn’t everyone’s things, but that doesn’t mean you have an easy out when it comes to learning. Down below, I listed a few ways that you can learn and improve your education in a not so classroom way.

Ways to improve your education without a classroom:

1. Listen to podcasts that interest you (there are so many podcasts out there that talk about so many different things so find one that interests you and learn something new)

2. Learn a new skill by joining a class or watching YouTube videos

3. Starting teaching yourself a new language

4. Surround yourself with people who love to learn and love to share their knowledge (people say you are who you hang around)

5. Challenge yourself to read one book every month

6. Watch a documentary

These are just a few easy ways to learn and grow in your education all while having some fun and enjoying the process. Just remember that you can do whatever you want, you just got to put some work and dedication into it.

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Nafees Shaheed
Nafees Shaheed
28 juin 2021

Getting an education is important, but when it comes to getting a job, experience matters more.

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