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Liana Mattera


I want to spend this blog talking about different emotions you may feel during school and how to remain positive even when it gets tough.

Hope is a funny thing; we’ve all hoped for something before. Whether what we were hoping came true or not is a different story. Hope by definition is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope is what drives us to keep going and to keep our heads up. When it comes to school, it is probable that at least once during the school year, that you hoped for something good related to school.

I was sitting in class the other day hoping for that good grade that I studied so hard for. I was hoping that all that hard work would pay off. When times get tough, the thing that gets us out of that rut is hope. Wherever you are at hold fast to hope. Hope will get you through whatever it may be going on. Whether that be school-related or something personal, doesn’t immediately go down to goblin town and remain positive.

The next emotion I want to talk about is trust. Trust is a tricky little thing. Trust is what a lot of people struggle with within their life. I’m not going to talk about trusting people in your relationships but instead, I will tell you about trusting your teachers and yourself in school. There are always those tests that you take, where there is that one question that you just are not 100% sure about. The golden rule of school is to trust your gut. Trust that you picked the right answer. What gets us in trouble is when we start second-guessing ourselves and then we get the answer wrong. You can’t get through school without trusting yourself. You have to believe in yourself and trust that all you studied for the night before the exam will pay off. Trust yourself and know your limitations. You know yourself the best, so do what works for you.

Being bored is one of the worst feelings there is. Of course, you can argue with me on that, but am I wrong? I will be sitting in class and have nothing to do except sit there and stare into space. Boredom is one of the more common emotions that a person experiences. You as a student can take that time that you are bored and use it for your benefit. Use that time to invest in yourself and in your future. You can use that time to read a book or even learn a new language. Use the time that has been made available to you. Those little fifteen or twenty minutes add up over time. For instance, if you have twenty minutes to spare in three of your classes for that day, right there that is an hour that you could have read a book or have gotten your homework done. I know it’s tempting but don’t get dragged into that Netflix movie. I love Netflix too and would rather watch a movie than read a book, but as a student, you have to take time and invest in your future. You might not see the results of this investment right away, but I promise you there will be results of investing in yourself. Believe in yourself and use your free time diligently.

Take care of yourself and never give up!

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