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  • Brianna Paulino

The Importance of Music and Art in Schools

We all know that school is a crucial part of our lives. It helps everyone learn the material to enhance our education to get a well-paying job when we’re older. However, one thing that makes school important is that they make us into the person we are.

We’ve spent the majority of our childhood stuck in classrooms, talking to classmates, running to class, and so forth. The building that we’ve learned about is also the building that we grew up in. In schools, we have found many things we’ve come to enjoy to make us the person we are today. An example of this is the arts.

To make learning fun, teachers would incorporate various forms of art to not only make learning enjoyable but to let their students express their creativity. That is where projects come along the lines. For example, a drawing of characters that kids are reading in a story is a form of creativity.

There are multiple forms of art around a single classroom. Moreover, books that we read for classes or fun are a form of art; written artwork made by talented people to serve as a form of entertainment for our young minds. Books could easily inspire other students to be able to create their little worlds with paragraphs and chapters. Pictures dancing in our minds as we read these sentences, maybe thinking that one day, we could make that as well. That is what happened to me.

I started getting into reading books at the age of 7. As soon as a book that I enjoyed drew me in, I knew that I wanted to create my own stories. I knew that I wanted to use writing as a form for me to express myself and to share my creativeness with others. Reading books and writing isn’t the only way that the arts are expressed in schools.

In the majority of schools, classes let students express their creativeness and learn more about that hobby/artform. Examples of these are art and music classes. Usually, they are the electives or classes that don’t matter that much compared to mathematics or literature. However, they do mean a lot. The reason why is because they could shape students to develop a considerable amount of interest in the class. Then, the sudden interest in that class could develop into a love of a new hobby. Eye-catching pieces of art could be produced and a potential career path could be followed.

School helps start students to lead that path. By providing resources for creative and artistic classes, they help students be inspired into making something they’ll be passionate about. By activities they start or classes they have, they are extremely helpful to let their students express their creativity.

Some people might see different art classes to be a waste of resources or time. They say that these classes won’t help students to have a successful life. However, that is all lies. Creativity is used in any career path, no matter how much you need to use it or not. Creativeness is helpful in our day-to-day lives. Not only to create something out of our minds but to come up with various solutions to problems. Not only that but to open our minds to everything around the world. Creativity broadens our perspectives and helps us in many ways. No matter what, Creativity could help us in any situation we’re in.

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